US Safe Haven Laws allow a parent to relinquish their unharmed infant to a designated Safe Haven provider within a specific time after birth.
For immediate assistance, call or text our 24/7 Safe Haven Crisis Helpline: ​
In case of emergency, call 911.
1- 888 - 510 - BABY (2229)
Are you about to deliver or just delivered a baby and aren't sure what to do? Let us help!
NSHA operates the official Safe Haven hotline available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, We are here to help! Call our 24/7 Crisis Hotline, you are not alone.
Our highly trained Crisis Response Team is made up of nurses, social workers, and pregnancy support experts with years of experience.
These members of our team are prepared to answer any questions you have and are known as the leading National Subject Matter Experts on Safe Haven relinquishment, and infant abandonment prevention.
Through our three-tiered approach, our team will be able to help you talk through your options and establish the best plan to fit your needs.
Our Approach
In many cases, new parents believe they are unable to parent their child due to extenuating circumstances. We can help you navigate those challenges and prepare you for parenthood. Options for temporary placement are also available.
Unable to parent your child? We can help connect you to leading adoption agencies. We refer to for approved state agencies.
Safe Haven
If parenting and adoption do not fit your case, we are here to help! We can help you prepare for relinquishment as the leading Safe Haven experts.
You Have Options