US Safe Haven Laws allow a parent to relinquish their unharmed infant to a designated Safe Haven provider within a specific time after birth.
For immediate assistance, call or text our 24/7 Safe Haven Crisis Helpline: ​
In case of emergency, call 911.

The Baby Love Bags are an infant care package provided to all Safe Haven providers to utilize in the event that a staff member at the designated location receives a Safe Haven baby. The package is a special gift for Safe Haven providers, and a wonderful opportunity for members of a community to provide love and support for their first responders and precious Safe Haven babies.
There are two ways to support this project:
For a donation of $25, NSHA is able to give all of the items listed below, placed in a Safe Haven bag for two Safe Haven providers.
Host a Baby Love Drive, this is an event that community members can donate the below items to create the packages for your Safe Haven providers. Once all items are placed in a zip lock bag and placed in the Safe Haven bag (provided by NSHA) it can be taken to your community Safe Haven locations.
Neutral Colored Onesie
One Neutral Colored Receiving Blanket
One Neutral Colored Newborn Beanie
All items are placed in a zip lock bag to keep it clean, then placed into the provided gift bag. The National Safe Haven Alliance will provide you a Safe Haven bag and a Provider letter that goes into the package.
This is a wonderful way to support your local Safe Haven providers and create much-needed awareness in your community!
Sign up to volunteer today to support the Baby Love Package project!
Questions? Email contact@nationalsafehavenalliance.org.