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Conocer al equipo

Conozca al equipo que trabaja incansablemente para promover medidas que salvan vidas y ayudar a los padres y proveedores de Safe Haven. Este equipo está compuesto por profesionales como trabajadores sociales, enfermeras, bomberos/paramédicos, médicos de apoyo al embarazo y especialistas en salud reproductiva que brindan generosamente su tiempo para prevenir el abandono infantil.


Heather Burner

National Safe Haven Alliance Executive Director; AZ Safe Baby Haven Foundation Executive Director, NSHA Pregnancy Crisis & Prevention Consulting Director, R.N., B.S.N, Pediatric Emergency R.N.

Heather leads an extraordinary team of leaders from across the country. After working with Arizona Safe Baby Haven for seven years and as the Executive Director for over four years she was sought after to provide leadership and direction for NSHA in 2017. She is a wife, mother of three children, and grandmother. She has experienced the tragedy through the unnecessary death of a newborn firsthand, and this life-changing event propelled her motivation to save the lives of precious newborns and help parents in desperation.


Heather’s commitment to the Safe Baby Haven mission and raising awareness to provide an alternative to infant abandonment has led to many babies finding forever homes, and a safe place for a parent to find care and support in a heartbreaking and at times dangerous situation. She has shown love for her community, parents, and babies and is a gracious leader in the Safe Baby Haven realm. Her passion to provide safety and hope shines a light in a time of darkness, she has developed partnerships across the country to be the answer. Heather is also the administrator of a comprehensive training program for healthcare systems to provide best practice and subject matter expert direction in mother and infant safety and prevention.  She is now a national speaker and a voice for the voiceless, changing the tide of fear by presenting the knowledge, answers, and resources to make an impact.


Shannon McCloud

Director of Special Projects

Shannon McCloud lives in Knoxville, Tennessee. She is a native of Virginia and a graduate of Hollins College in Roanoke.
Shannon served as the Executive Director of A Secret Safe Place for Newborns of Tennessee from 2004 to 2019. She has more than 20 years of experience in non-profit program management and has worked with numerous committees and organizations related to maternal/infant health and early childhood issues.
She previously coordinated the Resources Mothers/Early Head Start Program at People Incorporated in Abingdon, Virginia, where her journey to help young pregnant women and their babies began. Shannon works as a Business Coordinator in the Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee. Shannon enjoys UT football, baking, traveling, and spending time with her family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of two children.


Will Burner

Executive Liaison

Executive Liaison Officer, Will Burner, has been working with the Arizona Safe Baby Haven for nearly eight years and is now with National Safe Haven Alliance. He is a husband, father, and grandfather. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Arizona State University’s College of Public Programs and began his 24+ year Public Safety Career as a Police Officer. He is currently a Captain/Paramedic with a municipal Fire Department and regularly deploys nationally in the Incident Command System. His relationships and understanding of the Police, Fire, and EMS cultures is integral to the mission of the National Safe Haven Alliance.

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Leah Kipley

National Safe Haven Alliance Assistant Director; Baby Safe Haven of Virginia (NSHA Affiliate), Director, B.S. Psychology, Graduate Business Cert.

Leah oversees NSHA’s east coast and international partnerships, training, Safe Haven legislation, volunteer and state representative program, as well as pregnancy outreach. Leah assists the Executive Director with communication and organizational operations as needed and her passion is advocating for vulnerable women and children through establishing legislation, best practice policies/procedures, and programs that provide direct support. 


Leah lives in Richmond, Virginia with her husband, three children, and their pets. She previously lived overseas, in Luzon, Philippines, and has done volunteer, disaster relief/mission work in North and South America, Europe and Asia. She is a graduate of Gardner-Webb University in North Carolina and is currently pursuing an MBA. Leah previously served with the International Mission Board as an Event Planner, Director of Communications for a Pregnancy Help Center in VA and volunteer, Virginia State Representative for NSHA. She has 15+ years of experience in non-profit work.


Noelle Ozimek

Director of Research and Development

Noelle Ozimek is an award winning scientist whose work has extended through many areas of women’s and reproductive health. She received a BS from Queen Mary University of London, and a Masters in Reproductive Science and Medicine from Northwestern University. Noelle is currently based at Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. In addition to working in a lab, Noelle works alongside the world’s leading experts to advance the field of Oncofertility by building educational tools for patients and providers and developing strategies to extend specialized medical services to new areas. Noelle recently joined an international team of researchers and healthcare providers working to harmonize clinical guidelines for multiple reproductive health concerns.


As Director of Research and Development, Noelle initiates research efforts within the safe haven community. Through her work, Noelle hopes to generate a body of knowledge that will inform providers’ best practices and advance legal initiatives to improve Safe Haven laws.

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Lisa Schenk

NSHA Director of Education; AZ Safe Baby Haven Foundation Assistant Director; MSW

Lisa received her undergraduate degree in Organizational Sociology from Grand Canyon University and her Master of Social Work from Arizona State University, graduating Summa cum Laude. Lisa is licensed by the state of Arizona as an LMSW and has been a social worker for more than 18 years. She has worked in the emergency department and behavioral health arena, and specializes in critical and crisis intervention. She is the proud mom to two beautiful young women who she enjoys spending time with and creating memories. Lisa has been honored to work as the Assistant Director for AZ Safe Baby Haven for more than ten years and the Director of Education for NSHA for more than five years. Lisa continues to provide support and education to our community as well as provide life saving direction and support for both parents and providers.

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