Las leyes de refugio seguro de EE. UU. permiten que un padre entregue de forma anónima a su bebé ileso a un proveedor designado de refugio seguro dentro de un tiempo especÃfico después del nacimiento.
Para asistencia inmediata, llame o envÃe un mensaje de texto a nuestroLÃnea directa 24/7:1-888-510-BEBÉ(2229) En caso de emergencia, llame al 911.

¿Está interesado en utilizar nuestra lÃnea directa de crisis las 24 horas del dÃa, los 7 dÃas de la semana para ayudar a sus clientes? Más información aquÃ!
Who We Are
The most experienced Safe Haven experts working for you.
NSHA Consulting is the leading national research and consulting firm in the Safe Haven industry. We help our clients with the innovative approach based on best practices in the prevention of infant abandonment and Safe Haven Law Education by providing technical assistance, resources, training, decision support, litigation reduction, and subject matter expertise.
Our team has an in-depth comprehension of the challenges and constraints our clients face, and we work across disciplines and geographical areas to put that knowledge and experience to work for each and every client.
What We Do
We make Safe Haven education work for each provider.
NSHA Consulting has successfully tackled a wide variety of healthcare projects, from developing complete healthcare system training to policy and procedure development and 24/7 crisis response. Whether you need an online education program or multi-faceted staff education for hospital staff spanning multiple states, we will provide the guidance and expertise to align with state statutes, tailored to your need.
Policy & Procedure Development
Public posting based on state requisites
Online education program
Service line training with mock Safe Haven exercises
Annual online learning tools
Development of Safe Haven Case Review Team
Community Education
Prehospital Provider Education
24/7 Hotline support with reporting options
Who We Help
Overcome the biggest challenges.
No matter what service you provide, we understand the challenges you face. Our national consulting team is strong and knowledgable, with uniquely varied expertise that will work to represent your organization and provide the support and training for your specific needs.
Healthcare Systems
Federal, State & Local Governments
Healthcare Providers
Fire Departments & EMS Providers
Law Enforcement
Approved Safe Haven Providers